Harrison Branch
Harrison Branch resides in Corvallis, Oregon, where he has lived since 1972. He received a B.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1970, and an M.F.A. from the Yale University School of Art in 1972. Shortly after that he became an Assistant Professor of Photography at Oregon State University, eventually climbing to full Professor. He became Emeritus Professor in 2013. Harrison works with large format cameras, with his final product being all platinum/palladium prints.
He has had numerous exhibits over the years throughout the USA, with his work included in the collections of the George Eastman House, Rochester, New York; City Light Portable Works Collection, Seattle Arts Commission, Washington; the Oakland Museum, Oakland, California; the Bibliotheque National, Paris, France; and many others.
Alsea Falls, Oregon
Harrison is a dedicated teacher. He will look deeply into your work, uncovering underlying themes and ideas that you may not have been aware of, yourself. These revelations often lead to better self-understanding of your work, and with it, creation of future work that has even greater meaning to both you and your viewers. In addition, Harrison will provide answers to all your inquiries about his work, his methods, and his thinking behind the work.
Shore Acres, Oregon, Low Tide
All in all, you will find Harrison to be a thoughtful, insightful and thoroughly delightful person to spend a week with.