Tone Poems ~ Book 2

Tone Poems ~ Book 2

from $79.95

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A book of 91 superbly reproduced photographs by Bruce Barnbaum, printed via try-tone technology by Bolis Poligrafica of Bergamo, Italy.

Accompanied by a magnificent compact disc of piano music played by Judith Cohen

With an introduction by Bill Jay, Professor Emeritus of Art History
Arizona State University

Jointly published by Photographic Arts Editions and Rocky Nook.

The Tone Poems project combines the arts in a new, unique, and delightful manner. Each of the two books is a perfect sequel to Bruce's stunning Visual Symphony published in 1986, with a second printing in 1988 (now completely sold out). Tone Poems ~ Book 2 completes the project with 3 new sets, or opuses, of imagery that exhibit the mastery of light and form, and insight into subject matter that sets Bruce Barnbaum's work apart from the others. Whereas Visual Symphony alluded to music in its title, both Tone Poems volumes include music as part of the complete publication package. Each of the three parts — or opuses — of Book 2 is a masterful study of a concept or of a specific subject, and each is a remarkable artistic achievement. Each is accompanied by music drawn from the classical piano music literature, including solos and a trio, all on a compact disc featuring a full hour of music chosen to mirror and amplify the emotional content of the images within each opus. A brief essay by Bruce precedes each opus; a discussion of each image along with the musical selections completes the book. The photographic imagery is incredibly insightful, exciting and penetrating; the musical performances are magnificent. Whether your interest is photography, music, or both, you'll find the complete package to be a collector's dream.

The large format book — 12 1/4" by 12" — was printed by Castelli Bolis Poligrafiche, the printer for Bruce's first book, Visual Symphony, and Book 1 of Tone Poems. Each of the 91 photographs in Book 2 have been laser-scanned and meticulously reproduced via the finest tritone printing methods available anywhere in the world today. The exquisite beauty of the imagery and the extraordinary quality of the reproductions will take your breath away.

The three sections, or opuses, that comprise Tone Poems ~ Book 2 are:

Opus 4 Between Real and Surreal 

Opus 5 Aftermath 

Opus 6 Among the Trees


The music of the compact disc has been carefully chosen from the classical piano literature to mirror and expand upon the mood of the imagery in each opus. Included are piano solos and trios by Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Granados, Liszt and Ravel, masterfully interpreted by Judith Cohen, together with Judith's Bacchus Trio, using the latest — and finest — digital recording equipment. The compact disc — a true musical gem — is available only with the book.




200 limited edition books are offered with an original hand-made silver-gelatin print of your choice numbered to correspond to your limited edition print.

Choose virtually any image for the Limited Edition from the book (five examples shown here) in the size indicated below your choice for your limited edition of TONE POEMS ~ BOOK 2. To see if your choice is available as a limited edition image—most, but not all are available— please email with your questions. Your book will be signed by Bruce Barnbaum and individually numbered. All photographs are archival, hand-printed, silver-gelatin images produced through traditional photographic processes, and mounted on cotton-fiber museum board. 

Each 11"x14" print is mounted on 16"x20" board; each 16"x20" print is mounted on 22"x28" board. 

The limited edition with a 16"x20" print, for $1000. 

With this offer you can obtain an original Bruce Barnbaum photograph together with the TONE POEMS book/CD set for less than the price of an original print alone!


“Tone Poems ~ Book 2” is the final book in the collaboration between photographer Bruce Barnbaum and pianist Judith Cohen. The first book, published in 2002, was:

Tone Poems -- Book 1

Opus 1 Enigmas, Abstrations and Surprises

Opus 2 Darkness and Despair

Opus 3 Lyricism of the Land


This innovative pair of books — each with an accompanying CD — featuring more than 180 photographs from one of the world's most insightful photographers, will become a treasured centerpiece for fine art collections. A photography library would be incomplete without this uniquely creative, groundbreaking series that integrates the arts as never before.


Comments about Tone Poems - Book 2

Michael Stathatos, Washougal, Washington: "I feel that this is your best book to date.   I truly loved "Visual Symphony" and of course "Tone Poems -- Book 1" will always remain one of my favorites, but I think with "Book 2" you show continued growth as an artist with the selection of these images. I now understand why you are incorporating music with your images.   The photos in the book don't just glow, they sing.   They are like silent music to my eyes. It is your subject matter in Book 2 that resonates so deeply within me."

Jacques Coudol, Tabanac, France: "Yes, art is necessary, according to Webster, "intense love"—another word for religion. Some plates are pure magic, some are the theology of nature, others are so beautiful that they tell us of some sort of Paradise. My favorite? None, that is ALL, because they bring me a vision of life and a dream of (impossible) happiness that needs each and all of them!"

Michael A. Johnson, South Dakota: "The book is beautiful. It came about 11 a.m. and I finally put it down at 4 p.m. Tone Poems ~ Book 2 is not only enthralling and exciting visually, but it is educational and highly inspiring and motivating. I'm not sure what else I can say except Thank You and congratulations on the "marriage" of your photography and Judith's wonderful piano interpretations of the very fitting classical pieces chosen for the CD."

Chris Purcell, Agoura, California: "WOW! I'm hard pressed to find words to describe the effect of the photographs in the book and of the (limited edition print) "Ossified Swimmer." You have transformed seeing into something bordering on the imaginary — or is it the other way around?"

George and Ann Marie Uhlman, Federal Way, Washington: "We received our copy of your new book this week. What can we say???? BEYOND BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing your genius"

Bob Neiman, Merrick, New York: "I just received Tone Poems ~ Book 2. It's awesome! Thank you.”

Giuseppe Zenotti-Fregonara, Novarra, Italy: "...and here is a new flow of images that share so vividly your experience and passion about Nature. You approach it with a great sense of wonder and care, even of humor in Opus 4, that shows up throughout the images. I am particularly attracted to some plates because of forms/content or to those where you are truly a master in managing light"

Marcus Nolff, Germany: "People might be challenged to grasp what is actually presented to them: not just a "better" coffee table book (even with a free "bonus" CD!) that many might have expected, but a work of art about works of art involving two different mediums of expression. TONE POEMS might very well be, up to now, the clearest manifestation of a great artist, its creation the quintessence of what it means to be an artist."

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Order Now: 

You can order a personally signed copy of Tone Poems -- Book 2  for $79.95, plus shipping. Shipping is $15.00 anywhere in the US, and $55.00 in Canada. Beyond those two nations, the shipping cost is $85.00. Thus, the total cost is $94.95 within the US and $134.95 ($US) in Canada. Beyond those two nations, the shipping cost is $85.00, for a total of $164.95.

To obtain a personally signed copy of Tone Poems -- Book 2 you can order directly from this website by clicking on “Add to Cart” and following instructions. A personally signed copy of the book will be sent to you shortly.

Alternatively email Bruce directly at: or phone him at (360) 691-4105 if you have questions. You can purchase the book directly from Bruce by personal check. Send a check by standard mail for the full amount to Bruce Barnbaum, with the check made out to Bruce Barnbaum and sent to:

P.O.Box 1791
Granite Falls, WA 98252

For the limited edition book—including your chosen image from the book—the image is shipped separately. Shipping charges are as follows:

For a 16x20" print (mounted on 22x28" board): within the US $40.00; to Canada $85.00; beyond that $115.00.

Be sure to include your home or shipping address and your Email or phone contact info.