Plateaus and Canyons: Impressions of the American Southwest -- Now Sold Out!

Plateaus and Canyons: Impressions of the American Southwest -- Now Sold Out!
Bruce’s only all-color photography book is now sold out. It is unlikely there will be a further printing of the book.
The book was divided into three sections, as follows:
The Plateaus contained thirty one images—all on the right side page—each with a caption or short story—all on the facing left side page—depicting the remarkable variety, colors, and surprises in the open areas of the landscape.
The Canyons contained thirty images and captions or short stories (again, with the same right page/left page format), from the grandest of all canyons—the Grand Canyon—to smaller but, in many ways, equally awesome canyons throughout the region, photographed under a variety of lighting and weather conditions over a period of 37 years.
The Slit Canyons contain the final thirty four images on the right side page, also with captions and interesting short stories to the left. Bruce is well-known for his black and white slit canyon images; now you can see how he envisioned them in color...a vastly different interpretation.
The book closed with Bruce’s Epilogue, a history of his experiences and interactions with the slit canyons, and the people of the Navajo Nation, upon whose land so many of them are located.
If you have any questions about Bruce’s other books or about potential future books, you can email Bruce directly at: or phone him (360) 691-4105 to talk directly to him. All books can be ordered directly from this website by following the prompts accompanying each book. Alternatively, if you decide to order any available book, you can send a check by standard mail for the full amount to Bruce Barnbaum, with the check made out to Bruce Barnbaum and sent to:
P.O.Box 1791
Granite Falls, WA 98252
Be sure to include your home or shipping address and your Email and phone contact info.